Commercial Elevator – Hurricane Damage


Conducted a site inspection of the insured’s elevator located in a nine-story historic building. Gathered and reviewed information related to the elevator breakdown loss. Assessed the repairability of the elevator machines, and if restorable, determined the scope of work to be completed and the timeframe for restoration.


  • ILC thoroughly inspected the various damaged equipment to determine if it was restorable to pre-loss condition.
  • Photographic record and documentation of the loss and damage was gathered.
  • We acquired and compared two repair proposals. Vendor one proposed $84,457 and vendor two proposed $108,673.


  • ILC’s thorough inspection of the insureds’ loss revealed that it was restorable to pre-loss condition utilizing vendor number one’s lower-cost proposal.
  • A total of $24,126 was saved by sourcing LKQ parts from vendor one to accomplish the repair.